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"Being taken for granted can be a compliment.  It means that you've become a comfortable, trusted element in another person's life."   - Dr. Joyce Brothers


Hillemann Homes has learned that being a 'trusted element' is the key to being a successful builder.  A belief I realize defines my past building experience, and what we're ultimately trying to achieve with our clients - the comfort level necessary to maintain focus and efficiency, while building the home always envisioned.

Suncadia Home Builder and Kittitas County Contractor
The Hillemann's:
Werner, Joanne, Max, Cam and Dorra

I’ve worked in construction since graduating high school in 1989.  I was first introduced to the joys and labors of fine home building by my uncle, who hired me to help him build a beautiful colonial home in Purdy, Wash., near Gig Harbor.  My uncle was a perfectionist - the name of his company being “Precision Construction."  He not only taught me how to build a precise home, he also introduced me to the pride that comes with it.  To share in this process with a home owner, and have the appreciation of a “job well done” affirmed by them, I still consider one of the great pleasures of this occupation.


When I returned to Eastern Washington, I continued to build homes in one form or another, hoping to broaden my skills as a carpenter.  But I sought further challenge and more control over the process, so I enrolled in the Construction Management Program at Central Washington University, after first earning a helpful GI Bill through the US Army.  I was also awarded two scholarships through the AGC (Association of General Contractors), which allowed me to focus on my studies, and graduate with top honors.  While at CWU, I was also fortunate enough to meet my wife and ‘life architect’, Joanne, while interning on one of the biggest and most exciting projects to be built on campus – the Science Building.


I became enamored with construction on a larger scale through the Construction Management program and my internships, so I first sought work with a commercial contractor (Mountain States Construction) upon graduating.  My first project was an experience of a life-time – working on the Oregon Coast Aquarium, converting the former killer whale (Keiko's) tank to an underwater aquarium.  I shortly became the Assistant Project Manager, and eventually became Project Manager for multiple other projects as well.  It was an experience I’m still grateful for, and will not soon forget!  The work I did while at MSC, not only allowed me to work with steel, concrete and wood on a whole new level and scale, it also taught me how important it is that a company be properly structured and organized if it is to run efficiently.


My wife and I decided it was time to start looking for a good place to plant roots and start a family, so we decided to return to Ellensburg.  My first job back in "the Burg” was as a Building Inspector for Kittitas County, an experience that would become another valuable construction related asset. Having an intimate working knowledge and understanding of the building codes is an invaluable benefit to both builder and home owner. Not only did I learn the codes and how to logically apply them, I was able to experience first-hand the unique challenges associated with building in such a diverse region, from low-land desert conditions to extreme snow-covered mountains.  I gained a new appreciation for the beautiful, extremely diverse area we’re so fortunate to live in.


But I yearned to get back into the residential market.  So, I first went to work with a long-time friend of the family, who I still work closely with to this day, and am grateful for the relationship we’ve developed.  Eventually I was drawn to the resort homes of Suncadia and Tumble Creek, where I worked with one the resort's primary home builders for over five years, not only building beautiful homes and helping run the company, but also developing relationships with many of the home owner’s and the resort personnel.


I’m now building homes as a general contractor under the family name “Hillemann Homes," and am also working as a consultant for Suncadia.  My goal is to build homes with the attention to detail that they and their owner’s deserve, by being personally involved in every aspect of the construction, both in the field and in the office.

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